Graphics Programming Portfolio |
Throughout the years I have been sharpening my skills in computer graphics programming and C++.
WinBall - A bouncy ball for windows
David Oard
My brother-in-law had a bouncy ball on his Mac that would bounce around the screen, and he
told me that this wasn't possible in windows. I took the challenge upon myself to prove him wrong.
Here is the result.
Warning: I am not responsible if the user accidentally drags files, folders, and the like into
unwanted areas. So when playing catch with the ball please be careful!
Features include:
- C/C++
- System Tray
- Windows programming using MFC
- Layered windows with alpha blending
- Supports multiple monitors
Screen Shot (638x440) |
Downloads: WinBall.zip v0.11 (344K) |
David Oard
A summer project where I experimented with radiosity lighting.
Features include:
- C/C++
- OpenGL API
- Windows programming using MFC
- High polygon count object loading (slow)
- Radiosity engine using the Hemecube method
- Radiosity patches can be either vertices or pixels on texture maps
- Depth Of Field using Accumulation Buffer (not real-time)
- Full Screen Antialiasing using Accumulation Buffer (not real-time)
Screen Shot (1024x768) |
Downloads: Radiosity.zip v0.92 (648K) |
Entity Editor
David Oard
This was a summer project where I experimented with texturing and manipulating
large polygon models in OpenGl. This included a robust particle systems engine.
Features include:
- C/C++
- OpenGL API
- Windows programming using MFC
- High polygon count object loading
- Saving objects in custom format
- Particle Systems
- Vertex Arrays
- Normal averaging
- Spherical environment mapping
- Auto texture coord generation
- Multi textures
Screen Shot (1024x768) |
Downloads: Alpha v0.72 (257K) ,
Test objects and images (498K) |
Lake Side
David Oard
This was my final project in CS452 (Computer Graphics).
Features include:
- C/C++
- OpenGL API
- Glut API wrapper
- Billboard
- Caustics
- Spherical object clipping
- Sky box
- Shadow maps
- Lens flare refraction
- Particle Systems
Screen Shot (640x480) |
Downloads: Lake Side (2.85MB) |
Brian Bailey, Tony Money, Dale Niemeyer, David Oard
This was a project for an independent study course at MSU. The idea behind this
was to have the ability to create custom 3D worlds. Unfortunately, the scope of the project
was too large for the time allowed, so it is unfinished. During this project, I learned how to
manipulate MFC to handle OpenGl graphics.
Features include:
- C/C++
- OpenGL API
- Windows programming using MFC
- Portal engine
- Multi Textures
- Lighting and Fog
- Physics
- Background music (mp3,etc.)
Screen Shot (1152x837) |
Brian Bailey, Dale Niemeyer, David Oard
This is a basic asteroids game with computer generated 3D graphics on a 2D surface
including an integrated menu system. This was my first learning experience with DirectX
as well as different types of sound paradigms (wav, midi, cd).
Features include:
- C/C++
- win32 API
- direct draw
- direct input
- direct sound
Screen Shot (640x480) |
Downloads: Asteroids2000 (3.63Mb) |
Dale Niemeyer, David Oard
This project was created in 1994 while I was attending Northern Montana College.
It was my first attempt to create a computer game; this game only consists of
walking around in a maze.
Features include:
- 100% Assembly code for x86
- Direct access to the video hardware
- Video mode 320x200 with 256 colors
Screen Shot (320x200) |
Downloads: borg.zip (58k) |